How To Use The NSR

Data preparation
Using the NSR
  • 1. Enter species occurrences. For each species occurrence, enter the species name, the country of observation, plus (optionally) a state/province name and county/parish name. Enter one occurrence per line. All elements (species,country,state-province,county-parish) must be separated by commas. Species and country are required. State-province and county-parish are optional; however, you MUST include the commas even if the value itself is missing. If any political division name includes commas, then it must be surrounded by double quotes. You can submit up to 5000 observations at a time.

    Note that genus or family names can also be used instead of a species. Although in most cases observations identified only to genus or family cannot be resolved by the NSR, in some cases they can, if the genus or family is endemic (restricted) to a particular checklist area. For example, the NSR would return a status of "Ne" (native and endemic) for an observation of Eucalyptus in Australia, and "Ie" (Introduced, endemic elsewhere) for an observation of Eucalyptus in Peru.

    Pinus ponderosa,United States,,
    Pinus ponderosa,United States,Arizona,
    Pinus ponderosa,United States,Arizona,Pima
    Grubbiaceae,South Africa,,
  • 2. Download results. Download your results by clicking on the "Download Data" control, selecting either a comma-delimited or tab-delimited file.
  • 3. Cite. Please cite the NSR and all NSR data sources used in any publication which includes political divisions names resolved using the NSR. See Cite and Sources for details.